CS441 Fall 2001


Project #1: Prolog, Mercury, and the Logic Language Family

Adam Dang (ad056@umkc.edu)

Yenor Liang (yol4b7@umkc.edu)

Sarah Wang (sw6bf@umkc.edu)


1. History of Prolog

Prolog (PROgramming LOGic) is a declarative logic programming language that has become one of the most widely used languages for artificial intelligence (AI). Prolog became a serious competitor to LISP because it represented a fundamentally new approach to computing.

Early attempts at logic-based languages in the United States included Micro-Planner and Conniver. Both attempts failed to replace LISP as an artificial intelligence programming language because they were extremely inefficient. Prolog grew out of work on natural language processing done by Alain Colmerauer in Montréal and later in Marseille, and separate work on the use of logic for programming by Robert Kowalski at Imperial College, London. It was first implemented 1972 in ALGOL-W. Early collaboration between The University of Aix-Marseille and Kowalski (who had moved to the University of Edinburgh) continued until about 1975. The fact that Prolog overcame the problems that bedeviled Micro-Planner and Conniver is due to Kowalski’s work on the efficient implementation of Prolog.

Prolog is based on SLD (Selected Literal Definite) clause resolution, theorem proving, and unification. The first versions had no user-defined functions and no control structure other than the built-in depth-first search with backtracking.

Early implementations included C-Prolog, ESLPDPRO, Frolic, LM-Prolog, Open Prolog, SB-Prolog, UPMAIL Tricia Prolog. Currently, the most common Prologs in use are Quintus Prolog, SICSTUS Prolog, LPA Prolog, SWI Prolog, AMZI Prolog, SNI Prolog.


2. Overview of Prolog


Logical programming represents an effort by computer science to free the programmer from "the drudgery of memory management, stack pointers, etc.", and instead allow the program designer to fully concentrate on describing the problem and the properties of the correct answer. Languages used for logical programming belong to the declarative paradigm: the program specifies a computation by giving the properties of a correct answer. This is quite different from the more familiar procedural paradigm where the program specifies a computation by saying how it is to be performed. However, it should be noted that there is no well-defined boundary between procedural and declarative paradigms. Procedural languages commonly include logic testing capabilities, and declarative languages by necessity provide some procedural features such as input/output facilities.

Prolog is the most widely used VHLL (Very High Level Language), which clearly possesses many characteristics of declarative languages. The Prolog compiler, not the programmer, is responsible for translating a description of the problem and solution into the low level instructions of whatever computer happens to host the program. By allowing the programmer to model the logical relationships among objects and processes, complex problems are inherently easier to solve, and the resulting program is easier to maintain through its lifecycle. Given the necessary facts and rules, Prolog will use deductive reasoning to solve many programming problems. The Prolog programmer only needs to supply a description of the problem and the ground rules for solving it. From there, the Prolog system is left to determine how to find a solution. Because of this declarative (rather than procedural) approach, well-known sources of errors such as loops that carryout one too many or one too few operations are eliminated right from the start. Prolog encourages the programmer to start with a well-structured description of the problem, so that, with practice, Prolog can also be used as both a specification tool, and the implementation vehicle for the specified product.

Prolog uses facts and rules. Apart from some initial declarations, a Prolog program essentially consists of a list of logical statements, either in the form of facts, such as:

father ("John", "Mary") "John is the father to Mary"

father ("John", "Sally") "John is the father to Sally"

father ("John", "Sam") "John is the father to Sam"

mother ("Jeanette", "Mary") "Jeanette is the mother to Mary"

mother("Mary", "Tom") "Mary is the mother to Tom"

or in the form of rules, such as :

sister (X, Y) :- father(Z,X),

father(Z,Y). "X and Y are sisters if they have the same father"

where X Y, Z are variables, which are used to specify bindings between the different relations. Variables can be any name starting with an uppercase letter.

Prolog can make deductions. Given some goals, for example, to conditions:

Goal father ("John", "Mary").

Prolog will answer true because the goal matches the stored facts.

If variables are used in the goals, Prolog will find values for the variables:

Goal father (X, "Mary").

Prolog will answer X="John" because it can look it up in the facts. There is no difference between using facts and rules, for example if the goal is:

Goal sister (X, "Mary").

Prolog will answer X="Sally" because "Sally" can satisfy the rule for sister.

Similarly, Prolog can use its deductive ability to find all solutions to the problem:

Goal father ("John", X).

Prolog will answer




The solutions are found through backtracking where all combinations are tried.

Another representative of the declarative paradigm is Mercury, which is being developed in the University of Melbourne, Australia. Mercury is a logic/functional programming language, which combines the clarity and expressiveness of declarative programming with advanced static analysis and error detection features. Its highly optimized execution algorithm delivers efficiency far in excess of existing logic programming systems, and close to conventional programming systems. Mercury addresses the problems of large-scale program development; allowing modularity, separate compilation, and numerous optimization/time trade-offs.

Logic programming is considered by some to be far superior to procedural programming. Among the advantages of declarative languages are:

Short development time


In Prolog the number of program lines required to solve a given problem is typically only a fraction of that required by a procedural programming language like C or Pascal. This can reduce development costs considerably, and since the code is easier to modify, ongoing maintenance costs are often lower as well.





Easy to Read - Easy to Modify - Easy to learn


Many of the common programming errors in languages like C or Pascal -for example a loop that iterates one too many times or an uninitialized variable - are eliminated in Prolog. Prolog code can be thought of as a well-structured problem specification, in addition to being executable. Such code is easily read and easily modified when aspects of the domain in question change.



Easy Manipulation of Complex Data Structures


Working with complex data structures like trees, lists or graphs, often means big and complex programs managing allocation and deallocation of memory. Procedures operating on such data structures are almost impossible to keep up to date when the design of the data structure is changed. By contrast, Prolog has a simple and elegant notation for recursively defining and accessing such data structures, shielding the programmer from all details of pointers and explicit storage management.


With such impressive characteristics, it is not surprising that Prolog, Mercury and other logic programming languages find solid following and support in the programming and scientific communities.


 3. Handling of Data Objects in Prolog


Prolog programs consist of collections of statements. All Prolog statements are constructed from terms. The basic Prolog terms are

o        Integer - A positive or negative number whose absolute value is less than some implementation-specific power of 2.

o        Atom - A text constant beginning with a lowercase letter

o        Variable - begins with an uppercase letter or underscore (_)

o        Structure - Complex terms. The general form is functor(parameter list). The functor is any atom and is used to identify the structure and the parameter list can be any list of atoms, variables or other structures.


Prolog has two basic statement forms. These correspond to the headless and headed Horn clauses of predicate calculus. The simplest form of headless Horn clause in Prolog is a single structure, which is interpreted as an unconditional assertion or fact.

The syntax for a fact is

          pred(arg1, arg2, … argN).


          pred - The name of the predicate

          arg1, … - The arguments

          N - The arity

          . - The syntactic end of all Prolog clauses

For example



          Father(bill, shelley).


The other basic form of Prolog statement for constructing the database corresponds to a headed Horn clause. This form can be related to a known theorem in mathematics from which a conclusion can be drawn if the set of given conditions is satisfied. If the antecedent (the right side of a clausal form proposition) of a Prolog statement is true, then the consequent of the statement must also be true. Headed Horn clauses are called rules because they state rules of implication between propositions.


For example


          Ancestor(mary, shelley)       :- mother(mary, shelley).

States that if mary is the mother of shelley, then mary is an ancestor of shelley.


In Prolog, the statements for logical propositions, which are used to describe both known facts and rules that describe logical relationships among facts, are called goals, or queries.

For example, we could have


To which the system will respond either yes or no. The answer yes means that the system has proved the goal was true under the given database of facts and relationships. The answer no means that either the goal was proved false or the system was simply unable to prove or disprove it.

Conjunctive propositions and propositions with variables are also legal goals. When variables are present, the system not only asserts the validity of the goal but also identifies the instantiations of the variables that make the goal true.

For example,

          father(X, mike).


Can be asked. The system will then attempt, through unification (see next paragraph), to find an instantiation of X that results in a true value for the goal.

To prove that a goal is true, Prolog finds solutions by unification: binding a variable to a value. For an implication to succeed, all goal variables on the left side of :- must find a solution by binding variables from the clauses, which are activated on the right side. Standard Prolog evaluates clauses from left to right. When all clauses are examined and all goal variables are bound, the goal succeeds. In other words:


Goalclause(Vg) is true if clause1(V1) and … and clausem(Vm) are true.



The following table summarizes the unification process.




Variable & any term

The variable will unify with and is bound to any term, including another variable.


Primitive & primitive

Two primitive terms (atoms or integers) unify only if they are identical.


Structure & structure

Two structures unify if they have the same functor and arity and if each pair of corresponding arguments unify.



But if a variable can not be bound for a given clause, that clause fails. When any clause fails, Prolog backtracks - it backs up in the goal to the reconsideration of a previously proven subgoal. Backtracking gives Prolog the ability to find multiple solutions to for a given query or goal.




Handling of Data Objects - Comparison of Prolog and Mercury


·        Unlike Prolog, Mercury supports additional constructs that declare type, mode, and other constraints. Data types supported by the language include: integers, reals, strings, and a very flexible record/union type; the standard library supports a wide variety of collection types including arrays, lists, trees, maps, etc. The three important additional features Mercury has over Prolog are Types, Modes and Determinism.

·        Mercury is a strongly typed language. Mercury's type system is based on many-sorted logic with parametric polymorphism, very similar to the type systems of modern functional languages such as ML and Haskell. Programmers must declare the types they need and the type signatures of the predicates they define. Declaring the type of a predicate specifies the sets of values from which the predicate variables may be drawn. Mercury has a polymorphic type system and its standard types include:

        string - equivalent to Mercury's string type

·        Mercury is a strongly moded language. The programmer must declare the instantiation state of the arguments of predicates at the time of the call to the predicate and at the time of the success of the predicate. Currently only a subset of the intended mode system is implemented. Declaring the modes of a predicate specifies which of the variables are to be viewed as input parameters and which are to be viewed as output parameters. The compiler will infer the mode of each call, unification and other built-in in the program. It will reorder the bodies of clauses as necessary to find a left to right execution order; if it cannot do so, it rejects the program. Like type-checking, this means that a large class of errors is detected at compile time.

·        Mercury has a strong determinism system. Predicates in Mercury may fail, succeed once or succeed more than once. The number of times a predicate should succeed is specified by the determinism of the predicate. Declaring the determinism of a predicate specifies how often it may succeed, if at all. For each mode of each predicate, the programmer should declare whether the predicate will succeed exactly once (det), at most once (semidet), at least once (multi) or an arbitrary number of times (nondet). As with types and modes, determinism checking catches many program errors at compile time.

·        Mercury handles dynamic data structures not through Prolog's assert/retract but by providing several abstract data types in the standard Mercury library that manage collections of items with different operations and tradeoffs.

·        Mercury also has a couple of differences in data-term from Prolog. The first one is that double-quoted strings are atomic in Mercury, they are not abbreviations for lists of character codes. The second is that Mercury provides several extensions to Prolog's term syntax: Mercury terms may contain record field selection and field update expressions, conditional (if-then-else) expressions, function applications, higher-order function applications, lambda expressions, and explicit type qualifications.

·        In Mercury, syntactically, a data-term is just a term. A data-term is either a variable, a data-functor, or a special data-term. A special data-term is a conditional expression, a record syntax expression, a lambda expression, a higher-order function application, or an explicit type qualification


4. Handling of Sequence Control in Prolog



Prolog has a built-in structure named trace that displays the instantiations of values to variables at each step during the attempt to satisfy a given goal. Trace is used to understand and debug Prolog programs.

The tracing model describes Prolog execution in terms of four events:

1.      call, which occurs at the beginning of an attempt to satisfy a goal

2.      exit, which occurs when a goal has been satisfied

3.      redo, which occurs when backtrack causes an attempt to resatisfy a goal

4.      fail, which occurs when a goal fails.

Call and exit can be related directly to the execution model of a subprogram in an imperative language.

From following example, you can tell how Prolog produces results by using trace mode.

Database and traced compound goal:

likes(jake, chocolate).

likes(jake, apricots).

likes(darcie, licorice).

likes(darcie, apricots).


Likes(jake, X), likes(darcie, X).

(1) 1 call: likes(jake, _0)?

(1) 1 Exit: likes(jake, chocolate)

(2) 1 Call: likes(darcie, chocolate)?

(2) 1 Fail: likes(darcie, chocolate)

(1) 1 Redo: likes(jake, _0)?

(1) 1 Exit: likes(jake, apricots)

(3) 1 Call: likes(darcie, apricots)?

(3) 1 Exit: likes(darcie, apricots)

X = apricots


Consider each goal as a box with four ports - call, fail, exit, and redo. Control enters a goal in the forward direction through its call port. Control can also enter a goal from the reverse direction through its redo port. Control can also leave a goal in two ways: if the goal succeeded, control leaves through the exit port; if the goal failed, control leaves through the fail port. A model of the example above is shown in Figure 1.



Figure 1 - Control flow model for the goal likes(jake, X), likes(darcie, X)







It always succeeds the first time it is called, and it always succeeds on backtracking. In other words, you can not backtrack through a repeat/0.


          Figure 2 - Flow of control in the repeat built-in predicate




A repeat/0 followed by some intermediate goals followed by a test condition will loop until the test condition is satisfied. It is equivalent to a 'do until' in other languages.

The following command_loop/0 will simply read commands and echo them until end is entered. The built-in predicate read/1 reads a Prolog term from the console. The term must be followed by a period.



         write('Enter command (end to exit): '),


         write(X), nl,

         X = end.

The last goal will fail unless end is entered. The repeat/0 always succeeds on backtracking and causes the intermediate goals to be re-executed.

We can execute it by entering this query.


   ?- command_loop.



Because logical variables cannot have their values changed by assignment, the commands must take two arguments representing the old state and the new state. The repeat-fail control structure will not let us repeatedly change the state in this manner, so we need to have a recursive control structure that recursively sends the new state to itself.

In Prolog, recursion occurs when a predicate contains a goal that refers to itself. Every time a rule is called, Prolog uses the body of the rule to create a new query with new variables. Since the query is a new copy each time, it makes no difference whether a rule calls another rule or itself.

A recursive definition always has at least two parts, a boundary condition and a recursive case. The boundary condition defines a simple case that we know to be true. The recursive case simplifies the problem by first removing a layer of complexity, and then calling itself. At each level, the boundary condition is checked. If it is reached the recursion ends. If not, the recursion continues.


For example

The following predicates tell us the first object is contained in second object.

        location(envelope, desk).

        location(flashlight, desk).

        location(desk, office).

        location(stamp, envelope).

        location(key, envelope).


Now, we need to find out

  ?- location(flashlight, office).

Even predicate tells us the flashlight is in the desk and the desk is in the office, but it does not indicate that the flashlight is in the office.

Using recursion, we will write a new predicate, is_contained_in/2, which will dig through layers of nested things, so that it will answer 'yes' if asked if the flashlight is in the office.

We can state a two-part rule which can be used to deduce whether something is contained in (nested in) something else.

o        A thing, T1, is contained in another thing, T2, if T1 is directly located in T2. (This is the boundary condition.)

o        A thing, T1, is contained in another thing, T2, if some intermediate thing, X, is located in T2 and T1 is contained in X. (This is where we simplify and recurse.)

The first rule translates into Prolog in a straightforward manner.


  is_contained_in(T1,T2) :-  location(T1,T2).

The recursive rule is also straightforward. Notice that it refers to itself.


  is_contained_in(T1,T2) :- location(X,T2), is_contained_in(T1,X).

Then try it.

  ?- is_contained_in(X, office).

  X = desk ;

  X = computer ;

  X = flashlight ;

  X = envelope ;

  X = stamp ;

  X = key ;



  ?- is_contained_in(envelope, office).




How Recursion Works

As in all calls to rules, the variables in a rule are unique, or scoped, to the rule. In the recursive case, this means each call to the rule, at each level, has its own unique set of variables. So the values of X, T1, and T2 at the first level of recursion are different from those at the second level.

However, unification between a goal and the head of a clause forces a relationship between the variables of different levels. Using subscripts to distinguish the variables, and internal Prolog variables, we can trace the relationships for a couple of levels of recursion.

First, the query goal is


?- is_contained_in(XQ, office).

The clause with variables for the first level of recursion is


is_contained_in(T11, T21) :-

  location(X1, T21),

  is_contained_in(T11, X1).

When the query is unified with the head of the clause, the variables become bound. The bindings are


XQ = _01

T11 = _01

T21 = office

X1 = _02

Note particularly that XQ in the query becomes bound to T11 in the clause, so when a value of _01 is found, both variables are found.

With these bindings, the clause can be rewritten as

is_contained_in(_01, office) :-

  location(_02, office),

  is_contained_in(_01, _02).

When the location/2 goal is satisfied, with _02 = desk, the recursive call becomes


is_contained_in(_01, desk)

That goal unifies with the head of a new copy of the clause, at the next level of the recursion. After that unification the variables are

XQ = _01        T11 = _01       T12 = _01

                T21 = office    T22 = desk

                X1 = desk       X2 = _03

When the recursion finds a solution, such as 'envelope,' all of the T1s and X0 immediately take on that value.




Handling of Sequence Control - Comparison of Prolog and Mercury


·        Because Mercury is purely declarative, the goal `Goal, fail' is interchangeable with the goal `fail, Goal'. Also because it is purely declarative, there are no side effects to goals. As a consequence of these two facts, it is not possible to write failure driven loops in Mercury. Neither is it possible to use predicates such as assert or retract. However, all these can be done in Prolog. Failure driven loops in Prolog programs is similar to the ordinary tail recursion in Mercury.

·        ISO Prolog provides call/1, but there is no call/N (N>1). Most Prolog systems implement call/1 quite inefficiently, and the calls to univ/2 and append/3 make call/N even less efficient. Mercury provides a reasonably efficient call/1 and call/N (N>1). As a convenience, Mercury also provides lambda expressions, so that programmers can write a higher-order term without resorting to using an auxiliary predicate.


·        Input and Output control - Mercury is a purely declarative language. Therefore it cannot use Prolog's mechanism for doing input and output with side effects. The mechanism that Mercury uses is the threading of an object that represents the state of the world through the computation. The type of this structure is `io__state'. The modes of the two arguments that are added to calls are `di' for "destructive input" and `uo' for "unique output''. The first means that the input variable must be the last reference to the original state of the world, and that the output variable will be the only reference to the state of the world produced by this predicate.

Predicates that do input or output must have these arguments added.

For example the Prolog predicate:


write_total(Total) :-
    write('The total is '),

In Mercury becomes


:- pred write_total(int, io__state, io__state).
:- mode write_total(in, di, uo) is det.

write_total(Total, IO0, IO) :-
    print("The total is ", IO0, IO1),
    print(Total, IO1, IO2),
    print('.', IO2, IO3),
    nl(IO3, IO).


One of the important consequences of the model for input and output is that predicates that can fail may not do input or output. This is because the state of the world must be a unique object, and each IO operation destructively replaces it with a new state. Since each IO operation destroys the current state object and produces a new one, it is not possible for IO to be performed in a context that may fail, since when failure occurs the old state of the world will have been destroyed, and since bindings cannot be exported from a failing computation, the new state of the world is not accessible.

In some circumstances, Prolog programs that suffer from this problem can be fixed by moving the IO out of the failing context. For example

    ( solve(Goal) ->

where `solve(Goal)' does some IO can be transformed into valid Mercury in at least two ways. The first is to make `solve' deterministic and return a status:

    solve(Goal, Result, IO6, IO7),
    ( Result = yes ->

The other way is to transform `solve' so that all the input and output takes place outside it:

    io__write_string("calling: ", IO6, IO7),
    solve__write_goal(Goal, IO7, IO8),
    ( solve(Goal) ->
        io__write_string("succeeded\n", IO8, IO9),
        IO9 = IO8,

o        Recursive Control - Prolog code is written in a way that traverses the input list left-to-right, appending elements to the tail of a difference list to produce the output. However, Mercury code traverses the input list right-to-left and constructs the output list bottom-up rather than top-down. It is tail-recursive on the first recursive call, not the second one.

In most circumstances, the need for difference lists is negated by the simple fact that Mercury is efficient enough for them to be unnecessary.


o        Prolog uses assert and retract methods to achieve goals. But Mercury has a standard library which includes modules for lists, stacks, queues, priority queues, sets, bags (multi-sets), maps (dictionaries), random number generation, input/output and filename and directory handling to manipulate its execution behavior. The implementation section must contain definitions for declarations, functions, predicates, and sub-modules exported by the module.

For example, here is the definition of a simple module for managing queues:

:- module queue.
:- interface.

% Declare an abstract data type.

:- type queue(T).

% Declare some predicates which operate on the abstract data type.

:- pred empty_queue(queue(T)).
:- mode empty_queue(out) is det.
:- mode empty_queue(in) is semidet.

:- pred put(queue(T), T, queue(T)).
:- mode put(in, in, out) is det.

:- pred get(queue(T), T, queue(T)).
:- mode get(in, out, out) is semidet.

:- implementation.

% Queues are implemented as lists. We need the `list' module
% for the declaration of the type list(T), with its constructors
% '[]'/0 % and '.'/2, and for the declaration of the predicate
% list__append/3.

:- import_module list.

% Define the queue ADT.

:- type queue(T) == list(T).

% Declare the exported predicates.


put(Queue0, Elem, Queue) :-
         list__append(Queue0, [Elem], Queue).

get([Elem | Queue], Elem, Queue).

:- end_module queue.



5. Handling of Subprograms and Storage Management in Prolog

Prolog offers two fundamentally different ways of data representation. Structured Terms are used when data structure needs to be passed between procedures. Another way to represent data is as the Set of Facts. The choice of which representation to use can affect the procedures needed in order to search and manipulate, which, in turn affects the subprograms and how they are handled in memory. When representing data as structured terms, structures can get large, demanding more memory, and finding them can become tedious.

Here is an example of the use of structures in Prolog. A database of books in a library contains facts of the form:

book(CatalogNumber, Title, author(FamilyName, GivenName)).

member(MemberNumber, name(FamilyName, GivenName), Address).

loan(CatalogNumber, MemberNumber, BorrowDate, DueDate).

A member of the library may borrow a book. When this is done, a "loan" is entered into the database recording the catalogue number of the book that was borrowed and the number of the member who borrowed it. The date at which the book was borrowed and the due date are also recorded. Dates are stored as structures of the form date(Year, Month, Day). For example:

date(86, 6, 16)


represents 16 June 1986. Names and address are all stored as character strings (i.e. atoms).

The programmer must write separate procedures to search the structures to find the desired items. For example, the program that will determine which books a member has borrowed will be as follows:

has_borrowed(MemberFamilyName, Title, CatalogNumber):-


member(MemberNumber,name(MemberFamilyName,_), _),

loan(CatalogNumber, MemberNumber, _, _),

book(CatalogNumber, Title, _).

When dealing with large or variable length terms, such as list or trees, the structure becomes very large and complex. If someone wants to search for an element in the structure, then it would be very inefficient to write a retrieval process simply based on matching because subprocedures would be needed to search substructures. The advantage of using structures, however, is that when searching them, the programmer does not have to worry about whether an item is a variable that has been bound to a structure or whether it is a structure itself. Prolog's pattern matching does this automatically.

Furthermore, there are two different ways in which the different elements of these structures are bound during a procedure that directly affects the memory management. These methods are structure copying (SC) and structure sharing (SS). SS represents a structure instance by a two-pointer molecule with one to the structure skeleton and the other to a binding environment. On the other hand, SC makes a concrete copy of a structure whenever the structure is matched against a variable. The space needed for copies is harder to determine than for structure sharing and the number of copies being made depends on the pattern of the call. The total amount of space used by copying is, on average, more efficient than that used by structure sharing, except in the case where large terms need to be copied. As far as efficiency in speed during a procedure, structure sharing is faster in building new compound terms, but copying is faster in accessing those terms. SS was used in earlier Prolog implementations while SC has been accepted as the de facto standard in modern Prolog implementations.

The second way to represent data is to use collections of facts. Here is a collection of facts about a hypothetical computer science department:

lectures(jeff, 611).


lectures(ken, 621).

lectures(claude, 641).

lectures(graham, 642).

lectures(ken, 643).

studies(fred, 611).

studies(jack, 621).

studies(jill, 641).

studies(jll, 642).

studies(henry, 642).

studies(henry, 643).

year(fred, 1).

year(jack, 2).

year(jill, 2).

year(henry, 3).

Information will be loaded into memory as sets of clauses and then can be dealt with logically. In this way, the programmer can rely on Prolog's database retrieval mechanisms to do the searching. This is a more advantageous method in respect to both subprocedures and storage management when dealing with large or variable length terms such as lists or trees. Instead of writing more subprocedures to explore deeper levels of structures, data structures can be represented by using constants to indicate which facts are parts of which structure. This would give a normalized representation to work with easily.

These two different representations take cuts in efficiency as compared to other programming languages, but they contribute greatly to Prolog's vast flexibility. In most other languages, data can be stored in arrays in which the data can be accessed by an index. This is advantageous because it directly relates with how the data is stored in physical memory. The computer can quickly find the element by using simple address arithmetic. Prolog, however, traditionally has needed more flexible structures and therefore does not support the same storage ability for arrays as other languages. An indexing system can be implemented that is similar to arrays, but since the storage of the Prolog terms does not follow the same sequential storage, it is not promised to be a quick retrieval. The benefits in flexibility, however, make it worth the cut in efficiency. The two representations of data have already been discussed as well as their advantages as related to subprocedures. Prolog allows the ability to switch between different representations in order to make use of the different advantages each one offers. This change in representation can be made by simply changing the definitions of the predicates. This can be done in most programs without many other additional modifications.


Comparison of Subprograms and Storage Management in Mercury and Prolog

Since Mercury compiler generates C code, memory management in Mercury largely depends on memory management in C. Mercury passes pointers to memory, dynamically allocated by C. The current Mercury implementation supports two different methods of memory management: conservative garbage collection, or no garbage collection. (With the latter method, heap storage is reclaimed only on backtracking.)

Conservative garbage collection makes inter-language calls simplest. When using conservative garbage collection, heap storage is reclaimed automatically. Pointers to dynamically allocated memory can be passed to and from C without taking any special precautions.

When using no garbage collection, programmer must be careful not to retain pointers to memory on the Mercury heap after Mercury has backtracked to before the point where that memory was allocated. Future Mercury implementations may use non-conservative methods of garbage collection. For such implementations, it will be necessary to explicitly register pointers passed to C with the garbage collector. The mechanism for doing this has not yet been decided on. It would be desirable to provide a single memory management interface for use when interfacing with other languages that can work for all methods of memory management, but more implementation experience is needed before we can formulate such an interface.

Subprograms and Memory Management References

Campbell, J.A. Implementation of Prolog, Elis Horwood, 1985

Henderson, F., Conway, T., Somogy, Z., Jeffery, D., Schachte, P., Taylor, S., Speirs, C. 1995-2001. Mercury Language Reference Manual. University of Melbourne. (http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/research/mercury/information/doc/reference_manual_13.html)

Hoffman, A., Sammut, C. 2000. COMP3411: Artificial Intelligence, course notes, Introduction to Prolog. School of Computer Science and Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia (http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs3411/notes/prolog/intro.html)

Li, X. 1996, Structure Sharing and Structure Copying Revisited, Compulog Net Meeting on Parallelism and Implementation Technology, Department of Computer Science, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Canada (http://www.cs.nmsu.edu/lldap/jicslp/xi.html)

Sebesta, R. W. 1999. Concept of Programming Languages, 4th ed. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.


6. Handling of Abstraction and Encapsulation in Prolog

An abstraction is a way of representing a group of related objects by a single object, which demonstrates their common characteristics and hides their differences. The two major kinds of abstraction in programming languages are process abstraction and data abstraction. The process abstraction is a method for abstracting out how something is done leaving only a description of what is done. Prolog is a computer programming language designed to solve problems that involve objects and the relationship between objects. Abstraction is achieved by nature of the language. However, Prolog is a declarative language and is nonprocedural. The details of computation are not clearly specified in the program. Rather, Prolog defines some rules about the objects and their relationships. A good example of this is quick sort in Prolog:

First, we need to introduce a Prolog data structure called list. Prolog uses square brackets to delimit a list. A list is an ordered sequence of elements that can have any length and separated by commas. Prolog also uses the notation [X|Y] to denote a list with head X and tail Y and [] represents an empty list. We assume that the goal sort(A,B) will succeed if objects A and B in the desired order, that is, if A is less than B in some sense.

Second, According to the definition of quicksort, we need to split a list consisting of head H and tail T into two lists L and M such that:


    1. all the elements of L are less than or equal to H.
    2. all the elements of M are greater than H, and
    3. the order of elements within L and M is the same as in [H|T]

The goal statements showing above split relationship is described as below:


split(H, [A|X], [A|Y], Z) :- A=< H, split(H, X, Y, Z).

split(H, [A|X], Y, [A|Z]) :- A > H, split(H, X, Y, Z).

split(_, [],[],[]).

Third, with the goal of split relationship defined, the next step is to sort each list recursively and append M onto the back of L. Let’s first define append:

append([], L, L).

append([X|L1], L2, [X|L3]) :- append(L1, L2, L3).

Please note here, the first statement of "append" specifies the boundary condition. It is the base case in recursion. The goal of append(X, Y, Y) succeeds when Z is a list constructed by appending Y to the end of X.

The last step is to write the quicksort program:



quicksort([H|T],S) :-

split(H, T, A, B),

quicksort(A, A1),

quicksort(B, B1),

append(A1, [H1|B1}, S).

As we mentioned before, another area of abstraction is data abstraction. A data abstraction in a programming language is a mechanism which collects together (or encapsulates) the representation and operation of a data type. In Prolog, all statements are constructed from terms. A term can be a constant, variable, or a structure. A structure is a single object, which consists of a collection of other objects, called components. The components are grouped together into a single structure, which hides the detail representation. A structure consists of a functor and its components, which separated by commas. Here is a simple example of structure:

book(title(X), author(L, F))


The above example is a structure called book, which has two components, a title and an author. The component "author" is also a structure, which has two components, a last name and a first name. It is also obvious that the component "title" is a structure too. So the structure "book" allows the grouping of related information (title, author, etc) into one single object, instead of being treated as separate entities. This is the concept of encapsulation.

Another meaning of encapsulation in imperative languages is that users of the new type can not manipulate data objects of the type except by use of explicitly defined access operations. This concept does not apply in declarative languages such as Prolog. The structure used in Prolog represents relations among objects. The book structure above shows the relations among objects, namely title and author and they are not bound to the types. The binding of a value to the structure, called instantiation, only takes place to satisfy one complete goal. Operations defined in imperative languages do not exist in Prolog.

Here is an example of the structure "book" in Prolog. We can create a fact using a functor called "own" like this:

own(john, book(concepts_programming_languages, author(sebesta, robert))).


The structure "book" is instantiated and binding of type also takes place. You can ask if John owns any book by the author Robert Sebesta:

?- own(john, book(X, author(sebesta, robert))).


The Prolog finds a fact that matches the question; it prints out the object that the variables now stand for:

X= concepts_programming_languages;


In above example, no operations change the value of the structure "book". The functor "own" only show the fact, the relationship between its elements. The value of "book" is uninstantiated once the goal is satisfied. So functor "own" can not change the value of its elements. In Prolog, there are no equivalent operations as defined in imperative languages.

Comparison of Abstraction and Encapsulation in Mercury and Prolog

Mercury is different from Prolog in the area of data abstraction. Mercury uses a module system. A module can include one or more modules. Each module has a name as in

:- module ModuleName


Each module has an interface section starting with a declaration:

:- interface


The interface section includes entities that are exported by this module. Declarations for types are visible to other modules that use or import this module.

Each module has an implementation section starting with a declaration:

:- implementation


In the implementation section, declarations for types are not visible to other modules that use or import this module, and declarations are local to the module. The implementation section must contain definitions for all abstract data types, abstract instance declarations, functions, predicates, and sub-modules exported by the module, as well as for all local types, type class instances, functions, predicates, and sub-modules. A type whose name is exported but whose definition is not, can be manipulated only by predicates in the defining module; this is how Mercury implements abstract data types and encapsulation.

Let’s also take a close looks at user defined types in Mercury. Mercury introduces three kinds of user-defined types, discriminated unions, equivalence types and abstract types.

A derived type is defined using

:- type type ---> body


If the type term is a functor with zero arguments, it names a monomorphic type. Otherwise, it names a polymorphic type; the arguments of the functor must be distinct type variables. The body term is defined as a sequence of constructor definitions separated by semi-colons.

In discriminated unions, type definition introduces a distinct type. For example,

:- type tree


---> empty

; leaf(int)


; branch(tree, tree).

Integer in leaf and tree in branch are distinct types.

Another kind of user-defined type is the equivalence type. The equivalence type identifies one type name with another. The following example shows that money is just int:

:- type money == int


The last kind of user-defined type is the abstract type. The abstract type hides its implementation. Here is an example,

:- module foo.


:- interface.

:- type t.


:- implementation.

:- type t == u.

The module foo is introducing a type t and its implementation is hidden to other modules. Other modules can use type t but the only ways to manipulate t is through predicates defined in foo's interface. This is the concept of encapsulation in Mercury.

Below is an example of use of module to implement an array:

:- module array.
:- interface.
% Declare an abstract data type.
:- type array(T).
% Declare some predicates that operate on the abstract data type.
:- pred empty_array(array(T)).
:- mode empty_array(out) is det.
:- mode empty_array(in) is semidet.

:- pred put(array(T), T, array(T)).
:- mode put(in, in, out) is det.
:- pred get(array(T), T, array(T)).
:- mode get(in, out, out) is semidet.

:- implementation.

% Arrays are implemented as lists. We need the `list' module
:- import_module list.

% Define the array ADT.
:- type array(T) == list(T).

% Declare the exported predicates.
put(Array0, Elem, Array) :-
         list__append(Array0, [Elem], Array).
get([Elem | Array], Elem, Array).

:- end_module Array.

The above-mentioned module system and user-defined type declarations are not available in Prolog.

