Rebecca Sherburn

Coloratura Soprano / Voice Teacher
Teaching Philosophy
Curriculum Vitae
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Teaching Philosophy

For most people, singing well with a classical vocal technique takes time.  There is a fairly narrow range of acceptable sounds in this type of singing, but a wide variety of techniques to help a voice student achieve these sounds.
Singing in many different places and devoting most of my life working on my technique helps me to be an analytical listener/observer for those I teach.   I truly enjoy helping others with their vocal technique. The method for one student is not like that of another. Each voice is unique, each personality completely different, so my approach to each student is designed for that student alone.

There is usually a period of adjustment with a new student. They have to understand the language I use and I have to understand how they learn the best. Some are very visual, others go by what they feel.  I try to steer all my students away from relying on listening as their only feedback mechanism. Their ears alone are not able to accurately monitor their sound while singing and each acoustical space they sing in is different. Students are encouraged to feel secondary vibrations in the body and to rely on sensation as a feedback mechanism while singing.  They are asked repeatedly, "what did that feel like".

Once trust and understanding is established, the most subtle comments can bring huge vocal changes. I have never had a student who wasn’t interesting and challenging. I have never had a student who didn’t impact my life.

It takes time to learn to sing within the very specific confines of current acceptable operatic/concert sounds and styles. I love to teach for the specificity of this art form, and the pure discipline involved in undertaking a long term project.


-Dr. Rebecca Sherburn