Office: 420K Flarsheim Hall
Phone: 816 2352978
Email: adegokej@umkc.edu
Assistant Professor
Jimmy Adegoke, Ph.D., Penn State, 2000, is a
climatologist whose research emphasizes the role of the land
surface as drivers of weather and climate. Following
dissertation work at Penn State involving the use of climate
diagnostic, and satellite remote sensing tools to investigate
the interactions and feedbacks between meso and synoptic scale
atmospheric and land surface processes in the U.S. Midwest, he
focused his postdoctoral work at the Cooperative Institute for
Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA), Colorado State University
(CSU) on improving the representation of land surface
heterogeneity in the CSU Regional Atmospheric Modeling System
(RAMS). Two interconnected issues engage his attention: the
direct influence of surface representation in regional climate
models using high resolution satellite products; and the
feedbacks and interactions between the land surface and
various physical components that are triggered by the land
surface representation in the models. His current work
involves modeling cross-scale linkages and feedbacks between
processes that impact heat stress and air quality in changing
urban areas. Dr. Adegoke maintains research
collaborations with the mesoscale modeling group at CSU and
the Science & Applications Branch at the USGS EROS Data
Center, Sioux Falls South Dakota where he was recently a
visiting research scientist.