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The Department of Geosciences is located in newly constructed Flarsheim Hall, which lies immediately to the west of Rockhill Road between 51st and 52nd Streets.  The rich resources of the privately endowed Linda Hall Library of Engineering, Science and Technology are to be found less than a block from our departmental offices and labs.

Overview of the Department

The Department of Geosciences was created in 1975 when the Department of Geology and Geography was renamed to reflect the broadened range of interests of department members. Three of the disciplines housed in the Department of Geosciences -- geology, geography, and meteorology -- have been part of the campus since the founding of the University of Kansas City in 1933. The present multidisciplinary nature of the department is reflected by the academic interests of its professors, which span five academic disciplines -- environmental science, geography, geology, geophysics, and atmospheric science. Particular departmental strengths include satellite remote sensing, climate analysis and modeling, environmental geochemistry, urban environmental geology, environmental science, geophysical field techniques, groundwater hydrology, historical geography of the colonial world, mineral resources, geographic information systems (GIS), Quaternary studies, pale seismology, tectonics, urban planning, and waste management. In addition, the UMKC Center for Applied Environmental Research is housed in the department.

Majoring in the Geosciences

The Department of Geosciences offers undergraduate programs in two areas of study: geography, and geology. The department is also the lead department in the interdisciplinary Environmental Studies Program. Within the department, students can earn a bachelor of science degree in any of the three programs (geography, geology or environmental science), or a bachelor of arts degree in geography or environmental science. 

The department also offers a graduate program in Urban Environmental Geology, in which students can earn a masters of science degree. In addition, the department is an active participant in UMKC's Interdisciplinary PhD Program.

Employment in the Geosciences

UMKC Geosciences students receive a broad-based education which leads to a sound academic and practical basis for professional careers. Our graduates are employed by architectural, engineering and environmental consulting firms, such as Howard-Needles, Burns & McDonald, URS Corp., and Black & Veatch; by resource companies, such as Texaco; by governmental agencies, such as the City of Kansas City MO, the State of Missouri departments of Conservation, Transportation, and Natural Resources, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA). Many have continued their studies as graduate students here at UMKC and at other institutions of higher education, and a fair share of these have become professors at such institutions as the University of Nevada, The University of Texas, Northeastern University, Northwest Missouri State University, and the Metropolitan Community Colleges.

Please be sure to visit our Geosciences Web Site page for links to information about jobs in the Geosciences.

Information and Advising

We welcome any questions you may have about the Department or its programs.  For further information about academic programs contact the Department of Geosciences at (816) 235-1334, send us an email at geosciences@umkc.edu, or write to:

Room 420, Robert H. Flarsheim Hall
5110 Rockhill Rd
Kansas City, MO 64110

The department's principal advisors are:

Dr. Tina Niemi (principle undergraduate geology advisor)
Dr. Steven L. Driever (principle undergraduate geography advisor)
Dr. Jim Murowchick (principle graduate geology advisor)
Dr. Wei Ji (principle graduate geography advisor)






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