Syed Hasan received his Ph.D. from Purdue University where he specialized in
engineering-environmental geology and geotechnics. He taught at the
Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI and the University of
Arizona, Tucson, before joining UMKC in 1979. He serves as the director of
the Center for Applied
Environmental Research (CAER) which he helped establish in 1996.
His initial research efforts were focused in the area of engineering
geology of the underground space development in Kansas City. He has
presented his research results at national and international conferences,
including those held in France (1987) and the Netherlands (1990) and has
also appeared on the National Public Radio’s highly acclaimed Science
Friday Show (September, 200).
For the past 15 years his research
emphasis has shifted to waste management, and in 1996 he published a
college textbook titled Geology and Hazardous Waste Management (Prentice
Hall). The Association of Engineering Geologists recognized this book to
be ‘the most outstanding publication by its member during the past five
years’ and in 1998 honored Dr. Hasan with its prestigious Claire P.
Holdredge Award. He was also honored by the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Region VII for his 20 years of dedicated teaching in the
environmental field and received the 1999-2000 Educator’s Environmental
Excellence Award in June, 2000. He recently designed a new Graduate
Certificate Program in Waste Management that will be offered on a
regular basis beginning January, 2003.
Dr. Hasan serves as an editor of
the “Engineering Geology, Environmental Geology and Mineral Economics”
theme for the UNESCO’s monumental publication titled Encyclopedia of Life
Support Systems.