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Office: 420B Flarsheim Hall

Phone: 816 2355342

Email: niemit@umkc.edu




Associate Professor Tina M. Niemi, Ph.D., Stanford, is a Quaternary geologist who specializes in neotectonics, earthquake geology, and the environmental and climatic changes recorded in recent sediment along active fault zones and archaeological sites. She has published on the neotectonic behavior of the San Andreas fault and Dead Sea rift, and on various geophysical, geoarchaeological, and sedimentologic studies. Her recent research has been funded by several external grants and has focused on: 1) understanding the earthquake rupture history, slip rate, and deformation patterns of Wadi Araba fault along the Dead Sea Transform in Jordan, 2) using the archaeological record to study historical earthquakes along the Dead Sea Transform, 3) studying the recurrence and magnitude of paleoearthquakes on the San Andreas fault in the San Francisco Bay Area, California, and 4) evaluating paleoliquefaction along the eastern Kansas Humboldt fault.


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