Journal Articles

1.     Guess TM, Stylianou AP, Kia M, (2014), Concurrent Prediction of Muscle and Tibiofemoral Contact Forces During Treadmill Gait, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 136(2):021032.

2.     Kia M, Guess TM, Stylianou AP, (2014), Evaluation of a Musculoskeletal Model with Prosthetic Knee through Six Experimental Gait Trials, Medical Engineering and Physics 36(3):335-344.

3.     Stylianou AP, Guess TM, Kia M, (2013), Multibody Muscle Driven Model of an Instrumented Prosthetic Knee During Squat and Toe Rise Motions, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 135(4):041008.

4.     Stylianou AP, Guess TM, Cook J, (2012), Development and Validation of a Multibody Model of the Canine Stifle Joint, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering May 12 (Epub ahead of print).

5.     Guess TM, Stylianou AP, (2012), Simulation of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Deficiency in a Musculoskeletal Model with Anatomical Knees, Open Biomedical Engineering Journal 6:23-32.

6.     King GW, Luchies CW, Stylianou AP, Kluding PM, Jernigan SD, (2012), Effects of Age and Localized Muscle Fatigue on Torque Development in Knee Extensors and Ankle Plantarflexors, Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy 35(1):8-14.

7.     Stylianou AP, Luchies CW, McVey MA, Maletsky RA, Lyons KE, Pahwa R, (2011), Postural Sway in Patients with Mild to Moderate Parkinson’s Disease, International Journal of Neuroscience 121(11):614-621.

8.     McVey MA, Stylianou AP, Luchies CW, Lyons KE, Pahwa R, Jernigan SD, Mahnken JD, (2009), Early Biomechanical Markers of Postural Instability in Parkinson’s Disease: A Pilot Study, Gait and Posture 30(4):538-542.

9.     Dancause N, Duric V, Barbay S, Frost SB, Stylianou AP, Nudo RJ, (2008), An Additional Motor-related Field in the Lateral Frontal Cortex of Squirrel Monkeys, Cerebral Cortex 18(12):2719-2728.

10.   Stowe AM, Hughes-Zahner L, Stylianou AP, Schindler-Ivens S, Quaney BM, (2008), Between-Day Reliability of Upper Extremity H-reflexes, Journal of Neuroscience Methods 170(2):317-323.

11.   King GW, Luchies CW, Stylianou AP, Schiffman JM, Thelen DG, (2005), Effects of Step Length on Stepping Responses Used to Arrest a Forward Fall, Gait and Posture 22:219-224.

12.   Stylianou AP, Luchies CW, Lerner DE, King GW, (2005), The Use of Correlation Integrals in the Study of Localized Muscle Fatigue of Elbow Flexors During Maximal Efforts, Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 15:437-443.

13.   Kim SH, Pohl PS, Luchies CW, Stylianou AP, Won YS, (2003), Ipsilateral Deficits on Targeted Movements After Stroke, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 84(5):719-724.

14.   Luchies CW, Won YS, Schiffman JM, Stylianou AP, (2000), Age Effects of Postural Control Mechanisms: The Upper Extremities, Journal of the American Aging Association July.

15.   Luchies CW, Stylianou AP, Won YS, Effects of Age on the Utilization of Lower and Upper Extremity Responses for Balance Recovery, Gait and Posture S9 July.

Journal Articles
(In Process)

1.     Stylianou AP, Razu SS, Jahandar H, Bloemker KH, Cil A, Guess TM, (2014), Subject Specific Determination of Knee Ligament’s Resting Length, (Under Review).

2.     Guess TM, Razu SS, Jahandar H, Stylianou AP, (2014), Predicted Loading on the Menisci during Gait: The Effect of Horn Laxity, (Accepted).

Conference Proceedings

1.     Stylianou AP, Razu SS, Jahandar H, Bloemker KH, Cil A, Guess TM, (2015), Ligament Resting Length: A Method for Patient Specific Determination, Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV.

2.     Guess TM, Stylianou AP, Razu SS, Jahandar H, (2015), Computational Musculoskeletal Modeling in Movement Analysis, American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.

3.     Guess TM, Stylianou AP, Jahandar H, (2014), Concurrent Prediction of Knee Contact, Ground Reaction, and Muscle Forces During Gait, 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston, MA.

4.     Kia M, Guess TM, Stylianou AP, (2013), Musculoskeletal Model During Treadmill Gait, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Summer Bioengineering Conference, Sunriver, OR.

5.     Stylianou AP, Kia M, Guess TM, (2013), Tibiofemoral Contact Pressure During Gait, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Summer Bioengineering Conference, Sunriver, OR.

6.     Bloemker K, Kia M, Guess TM, Stylianou AP, (2013), Prediction of Knee Loading During a Dual Limb Squat in a Muscle Driven Musculoskeletal Model with Anatomic Knee Joints, Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.

7.     Kia M, Guess TM, Stylianou AP, (2013), Validation of a Musculoskeletal Model with Prosthetic Knee Through Six Experimental Gait Trials, Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.

8.     Stylianou AP, Guess TM, Kia M, (2013), Contact Pressure Estimation in a Muscle Driven Model of an Instrumented Prosthetic Knee During Gait, Orthopaedic Reaserch Society Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.

9.     Guess TM, Stylianou AP, Kia M, (2012), Validation of Knee Load Predictions During a Dual Limb Squat and Calfrise, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Summer Bioengineering Conference, Fajardo, Puerto Rico.

10.   Kia M, Guess TM, Stylianou AP, (2012), Musculoskeletal Model of the Human Knee with Representation of Menisci During the Stance Phase of a Walk Cycle, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Summer Bioengineering Conference, Fajardo, Puerto Rico.

11.   Stylianou AP, Guess TM, Cook JL, (2012), Multibody Modeling of the Canine Cranial Cruciate Ligament Deficient Stifle Joint, Veterinary Orthopaedic Society Meeting, Crested Butte, CO.

12.   Stylianou AP, Guess TM, Olcott LE, Paiva G, Kia M, Cook JL, (2011), A Model of the Canine Stifle Joint with Representation of Medial Meniscus During Squat Motion, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Summer Bioengineering Conference, Farmington, PA.

13.   McVey MA, Stylianou AP, Lyons KE, Pahwa R, Luchies CW, Cheney P, (2009), Comparison of an Automatic and Voluntary Task in Early Parkinson’s Disease, American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, University Park, PA.

14.   Stylianou AP, Luchies CW, McVey MA, Lyons KE, Pahwa R, (2009), Postural Sway Changes in Mild to Moderate Parkinson’s Disease, American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, University Park, PA.

15.   McVey MA, Stylianou AP, Luchies CW, Haines M, Lyons KE, Pahwa R, (2008), The Effect of Parkinson’s Disease to a Backwards Pull: Center of Pressure, American Society of Biomechanics, North American Congress on Biomechanics (NACOB), Ann Arbor, MI.

16.   McVey MA, Stylianou AP, Luchies CW, Lyons KE, Pahwa R, Jernigan SD, Manhken JD, (2008), The Effect of Parkinson’s Disease on the Step Response to a Backwards Pull, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Summer Bioengineering Conference, Marco Island, FL.

17.   McVey MA, Stylianou AP, Luchies CW, Lyons KE, Pahwa R, Jernigan SD, (2007), Effect of Parkinson’s Disease on Step Response to a Backwards Pull, American Society of Biomechanics, Palo Alto, CA.

18.   King GW, Luchies CW, Stylianou AP, McVey MA, (2007), Age and Fatigue Effects on Lower Extremity Joint Torque Development, American Society of Biomechanics, Palo Alto, CA.

19.   Stylianou AP, McVey MA, Luchies CW, Lyons KE, Pahwa R, (2007), Altered Response to a Backwards Pull in Parkinson’s Disease, American Society of Biomechanics, Palo Alto, CA.

20.   Dancause N, Barbay S, Frost SB, Stylianou AP, Nudo RJ, (2007), A New Motor Field in the Lateral Frontal Cortex of Monkeys, 17th Annual Meeting of the Neural Control of Movement Society, Seville, Spain.

21.   Stylianou AP, Luchies CW, Maletsky RA, Lyons KE, Pahwa R, Manhken JD, (2006), Postural Sway Analysis in Parkinson’s Disease: Visual Feedback, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Summer Bioengineering Conference, Amelia Island, FL.

22.   King GW, Luchies CW, Maletsky RA, Zahner L, Stylianou AP, McVey MA, (2006), Age Effects on Lower Extremity Force Control, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Summer Bioengineering Conference, Amelia Island, FL.

23.   Stylianou AP, Luchies CW, Lerner DE, King GW, (2004), SEMG Analysis of Elbow Flexors During Sustained Maximal Voluntary Contractions, XVth Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, Boston, MA.

24.   King GW, Luchies CW, Stylianou AP, Richards L, (2004), Effects of Lower Extremity Exercise on Balance Recovery from a Forward Fall, XVth Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, Boston, MA.

25.   Stylianou AP, Luchies CW, Insana MF, (2003), EMG Onset Detection Using the Maximum Likelihood Method. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Summer Bioengineering Conference, Key Biscayne, FL.

26.   King GW, Luchies CW, Stylianou AP, Schiffman JM, Thelen DG, (2003), Effects of Step Length on Balance Recovery from a Forward Fall, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Summer Bioengineering Conference, Key Biscayne, FL.

27.   Luchies CW, Stylianou AP, King GW, Won YS, Lerner DE, Richards L, (2003), Effects of Fatigue and Load Carriage on the Soldier’s Performance of Time Critical Tasks, Kansas Statewide EPSCoR Conference, Lawrence, KS.

28.   Kim SH, Pohl PS, Luchies CW, Stylianou AP, Won YS, (2002), Ipsilateral Deficits in Sensory Motor Control After Stroke, American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, Boston, MA.

29.   Luchies CW, Won YS, Schiffman J, Stylianou AP, (2000), Age Effects of Postural Control Mechanisms: The Upper Extremities, The American Aging Association 29th Annual Meeting, American College of Clinical Gerontology 14th Annual Meeting, American Federation for Aging Research 13th Annual Grantee Conference, Boston, MA.

30.  Luchies CW, Stylianou AP, Won YS, (1999), Effects of Age on the Utilization of Lower and Upper Extremity Responses for Balance Recovery, The 14th Symposium of the International Society of Posture and Gait Research, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

Director: Antonis Stylianou, Ph.D.
Tel: (816)-235-1252